Formula: (Mg,Ti,Fe,Cr,Al)2O(BO3)
Anhydrous monoborate,
warwickite group, titanium-
and chromium- bearing mineral
Crystal System: Orthorhombic
Specific gravity: 3.34 to 3.36 measured, 3.40 calculated
Hardness: 5½ to 6
Streak: Bluish black
Colour: Dark brown, grey to black, coppery tinge on cleavage at times, reddish brown in transmitted light
Solubility: Decomposed in sulphuric acid
Warwickite is a rare accessory mineral in boron-metasomatised limestone and
associated skarn. Associated minerals include
chondrodite, szaibélyite,
sinhalite, spinel,
diopside, titanite,
dravite, apatite,
fluorite, scapolite,
graphite, magnetite,
ilmenite, pyrite and
At the type locality, Warwick, Orange county, New York, USA, warwickite was initially found as small, rough crystals in the
metamorphosed, crystalline marble known as
Franklin marble, associated with spinel,
magnetite, ilmenite,
graphite, diopside and
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