





Formula: Cu2+4FCl(OH)6
Crystal System: Hexagonal
Specific gravity: 3.9 measured, 3.99 calculated
Streak: Light blue
Colour: Blue, light blue

Hydrothermal environments

Claringbullite occurs in oxidised copper ore or slag, produced under chlorine-rich conditions (Webmin, HOM). Associated minerals include cuprite, malachite, quartz, brochantite, nantokite, paratacamite, connellite and spangolite (HOM).


There are two co-type localities, the M'sesa mine, Kambove District, Haut-Katanga, DR Congo, and the Nchanga mine, Chingola, Chingola District, Copperbelt Province, Zambia.

At the M'sesa mine, DR Congo, claringbullite has been found as slightly divergent groups of soft blue plates up to 1 mm across in a vug in cuprite, associated with crystals of brochantite. Malachite and copper occur elsewhere on the specimen (MM 41.433-436).

At Bisbee, Arizona, USA, claringbullite occurs very rarely in association with cuprite nodules (Minrec supplement to 43.1, page 14). Dick Graeme has in his Bisbee collection a superb specimen 5 cm across of claringbullite crystals (Minrec 37.2.177).

At the Nchanga mine, Zambia, claringbullite has been found as a slightly divergent group of blue plates filling a cavity in quartz and malachite on cuprite. Quartz crystals also occur on the specimen (MM 41.433-436).

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