





Formula: Cu6(Cu4Cd2)Sb4Se13
Sulphselenide, hakite subgroup, tetrahedrite group, cadmium- and antimony- bearing mineral
Crystal System: Isometric
Specific gravity: 6.019 calculated
Hardness: 3½ to 4
Colour: Black


Hakite-(Cd) is a new mineral, approved in 2022.


The type locality is the Mine dump, Uranium Mine No. 16, Háje, Příbram District, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic. In the Příbram uranium and base-metal district, there are four main mineralisation stages:
(1) siderite-sulphidic;
(2) calcite;
(3) calciteuraninite;
(4) calcite-sulphidic.
Selenide mineralisation occurs in close association with uraninite of the calciteuraninite mineralisation, but selenides are always younger than uraninite. Uranium ore is represented by uraninite, coffinite and uranium-bearing anthraxolite (pyrobitumen). The selenium-uranium mineralisation is of low-temperature hydrothermal origin and is associated with calcite veins, tens of centimetres to several metres thick. The observed selenide assemblage is extraordinarily rich, with the total number of selenide species exceeding 25 and including the recently approved new species příbramite, bytízite and pošepnýite, along with the three new members of the hakite series hakite-(Cd), hakite-(Fe) and hakite-(Zn). These new members of the hakite series were identified in calcite-uraninite gangue.
Hakite-(Cd) occurs in close association with clausthalite, cadmoselite and hakite-(Hg). Hakite-(Cd) occurs as anhedral grains and veinlets up to 100 μm in size. It is locally replaced by lath-shaped crystals of cadmoselite, the replacement starting from the centre of aggregates (MM 88.5.602-612).

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