





Formula: Ni5P4
Phosphide of nickel, forms a solid solution with transjordanite (AM 105.3.428–436)
Crystal System: Hexagonal
Colour: Dark grey

Metamorphic environments
Hydrothermal environments

Halamishite is a relatively new mineral, approved in 2013.


At the type locality, the Halamish wadi, Hatrurim Basin, Tamar Regional Council, Southern District, Israel, five new natural, terrestrial phosphides have been discovered in pyrometamorphic assemblages; the minerals are halamishite (as minute grains up to 20 μm in size), murashkoite, negevite, transjordanite and zuktamrurite. The chalky-marly sediments of the Hatrurim formation underwent extensive and repetitive high-temperature (500–1350°C) and low-pressure (~1 bar) metamorphism.
At the Halamish wadi phosphides are disseminated in fine-grained hydrothermally altered micro-breccia consisting of colourless almost pure diopside. Other associated minerals include merrillite, copper-bearing trevorite, hematite, magnetite, pyrrhotite and troilite. The interstices are filled with secondary calcite, fluorapatite, smectites and unidentified hydrous calcium-iron-nickel-magnesium phosphates. Halamishite and negevite are closely associated with zuktamrurite (sometimes hosting lamellae of molybdenite), transjordanite, murashkoite and an unnamed nickel phosphide–sulphide (AM 105.10.1601-1602).

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