Formula: NaSb5+(OH)6
Hydroxide, stottite subgroup
Crystal System: Tetragonal
Specific gravity: 3.21
Hardness: 3
Streak: White
Colour: Colourless, white
Solubility: Soluble in hot, but not in cold, water. Decomposed by hydrochloric and nitric acid. Soluble in cold,
dilute tartaric acid (Dana)
Mopungite is a secondary oxidation product of
(Webmin, HOM).
At the Cetine mine, Italy, mopungite is associated with cetineite,
senarmontite, brizziite and
other antimony oxides
At the type locality, the Mopung Hills, Churchill county, Nevada, USA, mopungite occurs in
quartz-fluorite -
vein associated with
stibiconite, senarmontite,
roméite and tripuhyite, all
pseudomorphous after stibnite, and with
selenium and sulphur
(Dana, HOM, AM 70.1330).
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