





Formula: CaB6O9(OH)2.3H2O
Hydrated hexaborate
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Specific gravity: 2.09 measured, 2.098 calculated
Hardness: 3
Streak: White
Colour: Colourless, white
Luminescence: Not fluorescent under UV
Solubility: Slightly soluble in cold water, moderately soluble in hot water, dissolves readily in cold dilute acids and strong alkalies, slowly soluble in a 30 per cent solution of hydrogen peroxide, in xylol, and in glyerol, very slightly soluble in methyl alcohol. Nobleite reacts with dilute sulphuric acid to produce crystals of gypsum and boric acid.

Evaporite deposits


At El Tatio geothermal field, El Loa Province, Antofagasta, Chile, teruggite is the dominant phase in a soft, off-white, poorly-layered and weakly-cemented surface crust, 10–15 mm thick, occurring in the high-temperature geothermal field. Other minerals present include halite, which is present throughout but also forms a thin (<0.5 mm), brittle, cratered surface to the deposit, nobleite, ulexite and opal-A, with possible traces of illite-smectite and at least one unidentified phase (AM 46.560–571).

At the type locality, Unnamed Nobleite locality [1], Ryan, Furnace Creek Mining District, Inyo County, California, USA, nobleite has been found at seven places that are widely spaced for twelve miles along virtually the length of the area containing borates between the floor of Death valley and the Widow Mines in the Greenwater Range south of Ryan. The nobleite is associated with other borate minerals produced by the weathering of colemanite and priceite veins in altered olivine basalt and basaltic clastic rocks. Nobleite generally is in surficial, weathered material on and near the source veins. The weathered matrix now consists chiefly of montmorillonite, analcime and some magnetite; along with borate minerals it contains some gypsum, thénardite, a manganese oxide mineral and limonite. The newly formed borates in surficial material at nobleite localities include ulexite, gowerite, meyerhofferite, colemanite, an undescribed calcium borate, a magnesium borate, ginorite and sassolite. An apparently exceptional occurrence of the mostly coarsely crystalline nobleite was found in the Corkscrew mine. Two other occurrences in the Hard Scrabble claim and the Widow No 3 mine are in efflorescences on mine workings in priceite- or colemanite- bearing altered basalt. At every locality where the original colemanite or priceite veins are exposed, some of the nobleite encrusts the veins, which generally show corrosion. A crust of meyerhofferite in one specimen lies between the colemanite and some of the nobleite. Clusters of gowerite crystals are attached to nobleite aggregates and some of this gowerite in turn supports individual crystals of nobleite. An undescribed calcium borate at one place fills in between the microblades of gowerite on the nobleite. Much of the nobleite forms a coherent open meshwork of tabular crystals, commonly intergrown with fluffy ulexite, an undescribed manganese oxide, or doubly terminated microcrystals of colemanite. Like closely associated ginorite and sassolite, clots of euhedral nobleite are also irregularly spaced through a nearly coherent matrix of weathered basaltic surficial debris. Some of the ginorite is interspersed among the larger crystals of nobleite, coating them and filling in between as if at least this ginorite formed later than this nobleite. The largest best-formed crystals of nobleite were obtained from the Corkscrew mine, where they were found on colemanite in several geodelike cavities which were joined by small fissures. The lower cavity was entirely coated with nobleite, while the upper cavities were only partially covered. The crystals range in size from less than 1 mm to more than 3 mm. There were only two minerals in direct contact with the nobleite, colemanite and ulexite (AM 46.560-571).
Nobleite from the Corkscrew Canyon Mine - Image

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