Formula: CaSn(BO3)2
Anhydrous monoborate, tin-bearing mineral
Siderite, cassiterite and
calcite are all epitaxial on nordenskiöldine (Mindat).
Crystal System: Trigonal
Specific gravity: 4.09 to 4.20 measured, 4.18 calculated
Hardness: 5½ to 6
Streak: White
Colour: Colourless, yellow; colourless in transmitted light
Solubility: Incompletely decomposed by hydrochloric acid
Metamorphic environments
Nordenskiöldine is an extremely rare borate.
At the type locality, Store Arøya, Langesundsfjorden, Larvik, Vestfold, Norway, nordenskiöldine is a very rare mineral in a
syenite pegmatite, associated with meliphanite,
homilite, zircon,
molybdenite, cancrinite,
analcime and feldspar
(HOM, Mindat, Dana).
At Arandis, Erongo Region, Namibia, nordenskiöldine has been found in a hydrothermal deposit in metasomatised
marble, associated with tourmaline,
cassiterite, stannite,
chalcopyrite, pyrrhotite,
siderite and calcite
Nordenskiöldine Alters to cassiterite
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