Formula: Mg4Al2(OH)12(CO3).3H2O
Hydrated carbonate containing hydroxyl, quintinite group
Crystal System: Hexagonal
Specific gravity: 2.14 measured, 2.15 calculated
Hardness: 2
Streak: White
Colour: Yellow to colourless, orange-brown
Luminescence: Not fluorescent
Hydrothermal environments
Quintinite is found as both 2H and 3T polytypes. Both
polytypes were originally approved as separate species,
but since 1998 polytypes are not considered as separate species anymore
There are two co-type localities, the Jacupiranga Alkaline Complex, Cajati, São Paulo, Brazil, and the Poudrette quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, La Vallée-du-Richelieu RCM, Montérégie, Québec, Canada.
At the Jacupiranga Alkaline Complex, Cajati, São Paulo, Brazil, quintinite-2H occurs in vugs in
carbonatite, and is associated with
dolomite, magnetite,
fluorapatite, phlogopite,
pyrite, calcite,
chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite
(CM 35.1541-1549).
The Mount Mather Creek claim, Golden Mining Division, British Columbia, Canada, is a
sodalite-bearing breccia dyke that
consists of carbonate-rich syenite segregations that occur as veins and pods,
and fine-grained banded sodalite plus carbonate fragments in a carbonate-rich matrix.
The sodalite-carbonate segregations consist dominantly of
sodalite, iron-bearing
dolomite, calcite and
microcline, with an extensive suite of trace minerals including
albite, analcime,
ancylite-(Ce), chabazite-Na,
fluorapatite, baryte,
barytocalcite, cancrinite,
galena, goethite,
gonnardite, harmotome,
edingtonite, natrolite,
nordstrandite, pyrite,
quintinite and sphalerite
(MM 86.2.282-306).
At the Poudrette quarry, Mont Saint-Hilaire, La Vallée-du-Richelieu RCM, Montérégie, Québec, Canada,
quintinite-3T was found in the alkaline complex as a late-stage hydrothermal mineral in miarolitic cavities
and in pegmatitic bodies within
nepheline syenite. Associated minerals include
analcime, natrolite,
calcite, siderite,
fluorite, pyrite,
biotite, donnayite-(Y) and
ancylite-(Ce). In another occurrence, trace amounts of
quintinite-3T were identified in aggregates of muscovite crystals
(CM 35.1541-1549).
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