Formula: Na3(Sr3Ce)[Zn2Si8O24]
Inosilicate (chain silicate), strontium-bearing mineral
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Specific gravity: 3.70 measured, 3.709 calculated
Hardness: 5
Streak: White
Colour: Colourless
Luminescence: Does not fluoresce under cathode rays or UV
Rundqvistite-(Ce) is a new mineral, approved in 2024 and to date (December 2024) reported only from the type
At the type locality, the Dara-i-Pioz Massif, Districts of Republican Subordination, Tajikistan, Rundqvistite-(Ce)
was found in the moraine of the Darai-Pioz glacier, in
quartz–pectolite aggregate in a
silexite-like peralkaline
pegmatite. The following minor and accessory minerals are
present: black crystals of aegirine, orange–brown semi-transparent lentil-like
crystals of stillwellite-(Се), aggregates of large white grains of
microcline, large (up to 10 cm across) golden-brown tabular and lamellar
crystals of polylithionite, pink plates of
sogdianite–sugilite, pale-yellow to
orange aggregates and tabular crystals of reedmergnerite, grass-green or
yellowish green semi-transparent and transparent crystals of leucosphenite
and dark-green crystals of turkestanite. Rundqvistite-(Ce) occurs
in fine-grained brown or greyish-brown aggregates of manganese-bearing
pectolite, quartz,
strontium-bearing fluorite,
aegirine and a variety of rare minerals:
baratovite, neptunite,
orlovite, sokolovaite,
odigitriaite, pekovite,
zeravshanite, kirchhoffite and
Rundqvistite-(Ce) occurs as elongated grains up to 0.1 mm long and up to 0.03 mm thick embedded in
quartz–pectolite aggregate
(MM 88.5.594-601).
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