





Formula: BeMn2+(PO4)(OH)
Anhydrous phosphate containing hydroxyl, beryllium- and manganese- bearing mineral
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Specific gravity: 3.22
Hardness: 5
Streak: White
Colour: Light pink to rose-red, salmon pink, pale grey, brown


Väyrynenite is a rare late-forming mineral in complex granitic pegmatites; it commonly occurs as an alteration product of beryllonite according to the sequence beryllonitehurlbutitehydroxylherderiteväyrynenite or as an alteration product of beryl and triphylite. Associated minerals include beryllonite, eosphorite, moraesite, hurlbutite, hydroxylherderite, amblygonite- fairfieldite, eosphorite- childrenite, apatite, microcline, muscovite, tourmaline, quartz, topaz and cassiterite (R&M 87.3.281, Mindat, HOM).


At the type locality, the Viitaniemi pegmatite, Eräjärvi area, Orivesi, Pirkanmaa, Finland, väyrynenite occurs in a granite pegmatite associated with herderite, hurlbutite, beryllonite, tourmaline, quartz, topaz, muscovite variety gilbertite, microcline, morinite, eosphorite, cassiterite, apatite and amblygonite (AM 41.437, Mindat, Dana).

At the Estes Quarry, West Baldwin, Baldwin, Cumberland county, Maine, USA, väyrynenite has been found in a pegmatite associated with siderite, a roscherite-group mineral, childrenite-eosphorite, microcline, albite and quartz (R&M 87-3.281).

At the Emmons pegmatite, Greenwood, Oxford county, Maine, USA, väyrynenite masses to 1 cm across are associated with beryllonite, hydroxylherderite and moraesite. The Emmons pegmatite is situated in a belt of metasedimentary rocks which originated as marine sediments which were subsequently deformed and metamorphosed. The Emmons pegmatite is a highly evolved boron-lithium-cesium-tantalum enriched pegmatite (R&M 94.6.517).

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