





Formula: K2ZrSi3O9
Cyclosilicate (ring silicate), benitoite group, zirconium-bearing mineral
Crystal System: Hexagonal
Specific gravity: 3.10 to 3.13 measured, 3.16 calculated
Hardness: 5½ to 6
Streak: White
Colour: Colourless, light blue or pink
Luminescence: Cathodoluminescent
Solubility: Insoluble in hot acids
Common impurities: Ti,Al,Fe,Mg,Sr,Na,H2O,P

Volcanic igneous environments

Wadeite occurs in leucite-bearing volcanic rocks, carbonatite veins and nepheline syenite pegmatites (Webmin); it alters to ancylite and zeolites (Dana).


At the type locality, the Walgidee Hills, Noonkanbah Station, Derby-West Kimberley Shire, Western Australia, wadeite occurs in veins in leucite lamproites. Associated minerals include leucite, phlogopite, olivine, titanium-bearing potassic-fluoro-richterite, perovskite, apatite, calcite, baryte, chalcedony and zeolites (HOM).

At the Saima complex, Kuandian county, Dandong, Liaoning, China, orthoclase, nepheline, biotite and minor clinopyroxene occur as rock-forming minerals in the nepheline syenite pegmatite. Magmatic growth rims of some nepheline and microcline crystals have been altered to natrolite, but aggregates of clinopyroxene and biotite remain unaltered. The accessory minerals are mainly rinkite-(Ce), calcite, titanite and wadeite. Anhedral calcite crystals about several hundred microns in size frequently occur associated with nepheline and clinopyroxene or in the interstices of these rock-forming minerals. Other accessory minerals include pyrite, strontianite and fluorite (CM 57.903-924).

At the Khibiny Massif, Murmansk Oblast, Russia, wadeite occurs in nepheline-feldspathoid and natrolite veins in the differentiated alkalic massif, associated with astrophyllite, biotite, aegirine, titanite, sodalite, baryte, apatite, fluorite and zeolites (HOM).

At the Koashva Mt, Khibiny Massif, Murmansk Oblast, Russia, alexkhomyakovite occurs in a peralkaline pegmatite, associated with villiaumite, natrite, K-feldspar, pectolite, sodalite, biotite, lamprophyllite, titanite, fluorapatite, wadeite, burbankite, rasvumite, djerfisherite and molybdenite (EJM 31.1.135–143).

At the Yukspor Mt, Khibiny Massif, Murmansk Oblast, Russia, wadeite occurs in nepheline syenite pegmatites, replaced by lepidomelane plus zircon or catapleiite (Dana).

At the Kovdor Massif, Murmansk Oblast, Russia, wadeite occurs in carbonatite veins (Dana).

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