Formula: Fe2+Fe3+2(PO4)2(OH)2
Anhydrous phosphate containing hydroxyl, lazulite group,
paramorph of
Specific gravity: 3.60 to 3.62
Hardness: 5½ to 6
Streak: Dark blue to dark green
Colour: Black to dark blue-green, green, blue green, greenish black
Solubility: Slightly soluble in hot hydrochloric acid, not soluble in 1:10 nitric or sulphuric acid
Barbosalite occurs in complex granite pegmatites, formed by oxidation and
hydration of
primary phosphates (Webmin, HOM), associated with
tavorite, hureaulite,
heterosite, triphylite,
vivianite, roscherite and
rockbridgeite (HOM).
At Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia, barbosalite replaces manganese oxides and is associated with
wolfeite, arsenopyrite,
scorodite and quartz (Dana).
At the type locality, the Sapucaia mine, Galiléia, Minas Gerais, Brazil, barbosalite occurs in a
granite pegmatite intimately intergrown with tavorite
and associated with vivianite, roscherite,
rockbridgeite, heterosite,
triphylite, hureaulite,
ferrisicklerite, strengite,
phosphosiderite, childrenite,
variscite, frondelite,
faheyite, moraesite,
montebrasite, and apatite
(AM 40.952-966, Dana, Mindat).
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