





Formula: ☐Mn2+2Mg5Si8O22(OH)2
Inosilicate (chain silicate), suenoite root name group, manganese-bearing mineral
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Specific gravity: 3.175 calculated
Colour: Pale yellow, honey-yellow, yellow-brown to light brown, white (thin fibres)
Luminescence: Apparently bright pink under short wave UV (Mindat), but (MM 82.189-198) reports no fluorescence under UV

Metamorphic environments

clino-suenoite is a relatively recently defined mineral, approved in 2016.


At the type locality, the Lower Scerscen Glacier, Scerscen Valley, Lanzada, Sondrio Province, Lombardy, Italy, clino-suenoite is an amphibole of the suenoite root name group. The type specimen was found in manganese-rich quartzite erratics containing braunite, rhodonite, pyroxmangite, rhodochrosite, manganese-bearing calcite, kutnohorite, pyrophanite, tiragalloite, magnesio-riebeckite, manganberzeliite, aegirineaugite, tephroite, albite, manganese-rich muscovite, hausmannite, bixbyite, friedelite, hematite, clinochlore, romanèchite, ranciéite, manganese-bearing tremolite, jacobsite, anatase and johannsenite.
The geological setting of the orebody is dated mid to late Jurassic (174.1 to 145.0 million years ago). The mineralisation formed in shallow sediments which were converted into quartzites by Alpine metamorphism.
Clino-suenoite occurs as fibrous aggregates and as flattened elongated crystals, often in tufts up to 2 cm long, included in rhodonite or in small carbonate veins associated with tiragalloite and pyrophanite (MM 82.189-198).

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