





Formula: Pb2Cu5(TeO6)2(OH)2
Crystal System: Orthorhombic
Specific gravity: 6.982 calculated
Hardness: 2½
Streak: Very pale yellowish green
Colour: Olive- to lime- green, dark olive-green
Luminescence: Not fluorescent under UV
Solubility: In dilute hydrochloric acid, timroseite immediately decomposes, turning opaque white, and then the residue slowly dissolves
Common impurities: Cl

Hydrothermal environments

Timroseite is a secondary phase on fracture surfaces and in small vugs in quartz veins. It is formed from the partial oxidation of primary sulphides such as galena, and tellurides such as hessite, during or following brecciation of the quartz veins. The chorine may be sourced in part from primary phases, but it is most likely from salty brines interacting with primary tellurides (HOM).


There are two type localities, the Aga Mine and Bird Nest drift, both at Otto Mountain, Baker, Soda Mountains, Silver Lake Mining District, San Bernardino county, California, USA. At the type localities timroseite and paratimroseite have been found. Both minerals occur on fracture surfaces and in small vugs in brecciated quartz veins. Timroseite is directly associated with acanthite, cerussite, bromine-rich chlorargyrite, chrysocolla, gold, housleyite, iodargyrite, khinite, markcooperite, ottoite, paratimroseite, thorneite, vauquelinite and wulfenite. Timroseite commonly occurs as olive to lime green, irregular, rounded masses and rarely in crystals as dark olive green, equant rhombs and diamond-shaped plates in subparallel sheaf-like aggregates (AM 95.1560-1568).

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