





Formula: RuAs2
Arsenide of ruthenium, lollingite group, forms a series with omeiite
Crystal System: Orthorhombic
Specific gravity: 8.692 calculated
Hardness: 6½ to 7
Streak: Greyish black
Colour: Lead-grey
Solubility: Insoluble in 1:1 nitric acid and hydrochloric acid
Common impurities: Ir,Cu,Sb,S

Plutonic igneous environments

Anduoite is of magmatic origin, as very rare inclusions in chromium-rich spinel in chromitite bodies enclosed variously by augite peridotite, serpentinised dunite, harzburgite and pyroxenite. Associated minerals include chromium-rich spinel, pyrite, pyrrhotite, marcasite, magnetite, chalcopyrite, molybdenite, galena, millerite and violarite (HOM).


The Maja e Sukës deposit, Has, Kukës County, Albania, occurs in a body of serpentinised dunite. Disseminated ore is prevalent at the rim of the chromite deposit, in the contact zone with the host dunite.
In a sample of platinum-rich chromitite, a grain of anduoite was found included in a grain of chromium-rich spinel. The assemblage is composed of sperrylite, which forms a wide discontinuous rim around platinum group minerals of finer grain-size, filling the space between these platinum group minerals and the host chromium-rich spinel. Anduoite (3 microns in diameter) occurs in the fine-grained platinum group minerals assemblage with hollingworthite, which is intergrown with a complexly zoned sulfarsenide of rhodium, iridium, palladium and nickel (CM 39.591-606).

At the type locality, the Anduo Cr deposit, Amdo county, Nagchu Prefecture, Tibet, China, anduoite occurs as massive grains or granular aggregates (60 to 100 microns in size) in a chromium deposit related to augite peridotite and dunite. The host rock is an altered dunite. The main ore mineral is chromium-rich spinel with minor pyrite, pyrrhotite, marcasite, magnetite, chalcopyrite, molybdenite, galena, millerite and violarite. Other platinum group minerals present are ruthenarsenite, sperrylite, ruthenium-rich iridarsenite, irarsite, osarsite, osmiridium, ruthenosmiridium, laurite and ruarsite. Anduoite and other arsenides and sulpharsenides, often distributed around the grains of rutheniridosmine, are closely associated with irarsite and show replacement of irarsite.
Anduoite has also been found in placers near the host rock body with iridosmine, osmiridium, osmium, an iron-ruthenium mineral, and minor sperrylite, osarsite, ruarsite, iridarsenite, and irarsite (AM 65.808-809).

The Kapitanov Cr deposit, Zvenyhorodka Raion, Cherkasy Oblast, Ukraine, includes lenses and veins of massive and disseminated varieties of chromite ores hosted by serpentinised and carbonatised dunite, harzburgite and, rarely, by pyroxenite. Grains of chromium-rich spinel are of variable size and composition. Other minerals observed are ilmenite, magnetite, serpentine, forsterite, orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene. Opaque minerals in the serpentine matrix and in some cases within the grains of chromium-rich spinel include millerite, nickeline, gersdorffite, maucherite, pentlandite, violarite, arsenic-bearing tučekite, chalcopyrite and galena. The ores also carry platinum group minerals including anduoite, irarsite, laurite, ruarsite and minor sperrylite.
Two inclusions of anduoite were observed in massive chromitites. One is a 6 to 9 micron euhedral crystal enclosed in a grain of chromium-rich spinel that is free of fractures and contains numerous lamellae (10 to 12 micr‏ons long and 0.5 to 1 micron wide) of ilmenite. Another crystal of anduoite is small (1 to 2 microns) and euhedral; it occurs in a grain of chromium-rich spinel that is also free of cracks or other inclusions (CM 39.591-606).

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