





Formula: BeY(SiO4)(OH)
Nesosilicate (insular SiO4 groups), gadolinite subgroup, gadolinite group, gadolinite supergroup, beryllium and yttrium bearing mineral
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Specific gravity: 4.42 to 4.57 measured, 4.45 calculated
Hardness: 6 to 7
Streak: White
Colour: Green, Yellow brown, White, Light blue, Light yellow


Hingganite-(Y) generally occurs in granite pegmatites (Dana).


The type locality is an unnamed rare-metal deposit at Qiqihaer, Heilongjiang, China.

At the Trimouns quarry, France, hingganite-(Y) has been found in vugs in dolomite (MinRec 35.3.237-238).

At the Suishoyama pegmatite, Iizaka Village, Kawamata, Date District, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, hingganite-(Y) occurs with quartz, feldspar, mica, cassiterite, stokesite, fluorite, chlorite and titanite (Dana). The hingganite-(Y) is found in the same environment as iimoriite (Minrec 35.3.237-238).

At Tawara (Tahara), Hirukawa, Nakatsugawa City, Gifu Prefecture, Japan, hingganite-(Y) is associated with hingganite-(Ce), quartz, K-feldspar, albite, zinnwaldite, cassiterite, stokesite, fluorite, chlorite and titanite (HOM).

At Mount Malosa, Malawi, hingganite-(Y) is associated with aegirine, zircon and quartz (HOM).

At the Kola peninsula, Russia, hingganite-(Y) occurs in a granite pegmatite with muscovite, spodumene and pyrochlore (Dana).

At Fabova hoľa, Pohronská Polhora, Brezno District, Banská Bystrica Region, Slovakia, two contrasting reaction coronae were developed around rare earth element accessory phosphates in metagranitic rocks, which have been overprinted.
Monazite-(Ce) breakdown resulted in fluorapatite ± thallium-silicate + allanite-(Ce) + clinozoisite coronae. The alteration of xenotime-(Y) produced a novel type of secondary coronal micro-texture consisting of a massive fluorapatite mantle zone and tiny satellite crystals of hellandite-(Y) and hingganite-(Y) of ~1–5 μm, and rarely up to 10 μm in size.
The granitic rocks underwent burial metamorphism under greenschist to lower amphibolite facies conditions. Subsequently, post-collisional uplift and exhumation was accompanied by a retrograde metamorphic overprint; the activity of external fluids caused the formation of secondary coronae minerals around monazite-(Ce) and xenotime-(Y). A portion of boronberyllium) should have been liberated from the metagranite feldspars, micas or xenotime-(Y) enriched in schiavinatoite or béhierite components. However, the principal source of boron and beryllium in fluids necessary for the production of hellandite and hingganite, was probably of external origin from adjacent magmatic, metamorphic, or sedimentary rocks (MM 86.4.586–605).

At Fairview, Stove Mountain, El Paso County, Colorado, USA, vugs in quartz veins host chalky, light tan, 0.5 cm crystals of hingganite-(Y) associated with crystals of clear quartz, magnetite, pyrite, hematite and bertrandite (R&M 97.5.418).

At the North Sugarloaf Mountain locality, Bethlehem, Grafton County, New Hampshire, USA, hingganite-(Y) is exceedingly rare and occurs as aggregates of colourless, cream-colored, or light brown monoclinic prismatic crystals, up to 4 mm long, associated with masses of etched purple fluorite (R&M 97.3.224).

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