





Formula: Cu5Zn5(AsO4)2(OH)14
Anhydrous arsenate
Crystal System: Orthorhombic
Specific gravity: 4.3 measured, 4.45 calculated
Hardness: 1½
Streak: Off-white
Colour: Greenish blue, turquoise-blue, pale turquoise-green, pale emerald-green

Sedimentary environments
Hydrothermal environments

Theisite is a rare secondary mineral in tennantite-tetrahedrite deposits (Mindat).


The type locality, Tuckerville prospects, Hinsdale County, Colorado, USA, is a small uranium prospect; the wallrocks are marly sediments cut by near-vertical breccia zones that are cemented by sulphides and gangue minerals such as quartz, calcite and baryte. Primary ore minerals may survive as relicts, and they include uraninite, tetrahedrite, galena and sphalerite. In most places, however, oxidation has been severe. Sulphides alter in situ to chalcocite, covellite, and cuprite surrounded by malachite, azurite and kolwezite. Other species noted and only locally present include parnauite, anglesite, cerussite, tenorite, adamite, hemimorphite, chrysocolla, zeunerite and duftite.
Theisite is sparingly present and is one of the very last minerals to form. It occurs in thin seams cutting the oxide assemblage. These structures usually carry no minerals other than theisite (MM 46.49-50).

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