Formula: CdS
Sulphide, sphalerite group,
of greenockite
Crystal System: Isometric
Specific gravity: 4.87 calculated
Hardness: 2½ to 3
Streak: Light yellow
Colour: Bright yellow
Hawleyite occurs as coatings on fine-grained sphalerite and
siderite in vugs, probably of secondary
origin, deposited from meteoric waters in vugs and along late fractures. Associated minerals include
sphalerite, siderite and
(HOM, Mindat).
At the Kintore opencut, Broken Hill South Mine, Broken Hill, Broken Hill district, Yancowinna county, New South Wales, Australia,
hawleyite is found as powdery crusts in sulphide ore and in quartz -
garnet gneiss
(AJM 3.1.31).
At the type locality, the Hector-Calumet mine, Calumet, Galena Hill, Mayo mining district, Yukon, Canada, the consolidated rocks
underlying the area are mainly sediments consisting of sericitic,
chloritic, and graphitic
schist, phyllite and
quartzite, with sills and lenses of
greenstone. There are two types of veins; an early vein type consisting of
quartz, pyrite and
arsenopyrite, and a late vein type mineralised with
siderite, galena,
sphalerite and argentian tetrahedrite.
The minerals found in the oxidised zone include limonite, manganese oxides,
calcite, gypsum,
smithsonite, cerussite,
anglesite, quartz,
azurite, malachite and oxides of
arsenic and antimony. The specimen of
hawleyite was obtained from a vuggy part of the primary zone
(AM 40.555-559).
At the San Rafael Mine, Quartz Mountain camp, Lodi Mining District, Lodi Hills, Nye county, Nevada, USA, hawleyite has been
found within a single large boulder as pulverulent bright yellow joint coatings and local vug fillings. Associated minerals include
arsenopyrite and zincian siderite, together with
minor gypsum
(R&M 85.6.518).
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