





Formula: PbFe3+2(AsO4)2(OH)2
Hydrated normal arsenate, tsumcorite group, paramorph of carminite
Crystal System: Monoclinic
Specific gravity: 5.53 calculated
Hardness: 4
Streak: Orange-yellow
Colour: Orange-brown, red-brown

Hydrothermal environments

The formation of mawbyite is probably related to the acidity of circulating waters in the oxidation zone (Dana).


At the type locality, the Kintore opencut, Broken Hill South Mine, Broken Hill, Broken Hill district, Yancowinna New South Wales, Australia, mawbyite occurs in the oxidised zone of a metamorphosed stratiform lead-zinc orebody in fractures and cavities in granular spessartine quartz rocks in an arsenic-rich reaction halo. Associated minerals include corkite-beudantite, adamite-olivenite, duftite, mimetite, bayldonite, hidalgoite, pharmacosiderite, segnitite and iron-manganese oxides. Mawbyite crystals are usually dogtooth to prismatic, more rarely tabular, up to 0.2 mm long (AM 74.1377-1381, HOM).

At the Bali Lo copper mine, Ashburton Downs Station, Ashburton Shire, Western Australia, mawbyite occurs in veinlets in tennantite, as crystal clusters, and as a component of the larger vein-like masses, where it tends to be associated with gartrellite and olivenite (AJM 13.1.35-37).

At the Moldava deposit, Moldava, Teplice District, Ústí nad Labem Region, Czech Republic, mawbyite occurs in the oxidation zone of silver-lead-copper-bismuth mineralisation in fluoritebarytequartz veins. Associated minerals include mimetite, philipsbornite and thometzekite (HOM ).

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