Formula: Sr(Y,U,Mn)Fe2(Ti,Fe,Cr,V)18(O,OH)38
Oxide, crichtonite group,
strontium-, yttrium-,
uranium-, manganese-,
titanium-, chromium- and
vanadium- bearing mineral
Crystal System: Trigonal
Specific gravity: 4.68 calculated
Hardness: 6½ to 7
Streak: Black
Colour: Black
Metamorphic environments
Hydrothermal environments
At the type locality, the Buca della Vena Mine, Pontestazzemese, Stazzema, Lucca Province, Tuscany, Italy,
dessauite-(Y) occurs within cavities in calcite veins hosted within
dolomitic marble as flattened
black rhombohedral crystals, tabular, with a hexagonal outline; dimensions: diameter up to 1 mm, thickness up to
0.2 mm. Associated minerals include derbylite,
hematite, rutile,
siderite and calcite
(AM 82.7.807-811, Mindat).
At the Higher Pitts Mine, Priddy, Mendip, Somerset, England, UK, dessauite-(Y) occurs in oxidised
manganese ores, associated with
hydrocerussite, mendipite
and cerussite
At the Mammoth-Saint Anthony Mine, St. Anthony deposit, Tiger, Mammoth Mining District, Pinal County, Arizona, USA,
dessauite-(Y) occurs as a secondary mineral in deeply
oxidised lead-copper ores. Associated
minerals include boleite,
wherryite, hydrocerussite,
leadhillite, phosgenite,
caledonite, atacamite,
paratacamite and cerussite
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